The exhibition “Metaphoria”, dedicated to the Portuguese poet Rui Costa, aimed to gather the tangible and intangible from a set of works of several poets, artists and musicians. The existing exhibition rooms remained without any change to underline a more sensory visit rather than a visual one and the art works were distributed over the several open spaces. The transition between authors was made from the architectural space: different rooms, different levels and an outer cloister. In the main room was only added a new built space to hold one of the exhibited works of artist Katie Peterson (Light bulb to Simulate Moonlight). This new space works as an autonomous object in the exhibition space: a dark box that not touches the pre-existence and acts as a transition element between two authors and their works.
Scenography: Petit Cabanon [Inês Moreira + Miguel Costa]
Curator: Silvia Guerra, Lab’Bel
Location: Museu de Arquelogia da Sociedade Martins Sarmento | Guimarães, Portugal | 2012
Images: Carlos Lobão